That's my boy! =)
Smiling boy! Today was the first day he decided to start smiling =) We're enjoying that
immensely!So, yesterday was officially the first day we got seated in the "You'veGotPotentiallyLOUDbabiesWithYouSection" @ Cheddars. I guess we'll have to get Noah a little "IpromiseI'mAsQuietAsIAmCute" badge =) It wasn't a problem though, he was quiet and so were all the other kids/babies around ;)
Going to work isn't much fun anymore as I'm always having to leave him and think about wanting to be with him now :( But coming home sure is so much fun now! (not that it wasn't before) but now there's this new little life @ home!
Noah's second pediatric apt went GREAT yesterday. He weighed in @ 7.5oz which made mommy really happy. All that breast feeding is doing the trick! He was born @ 7.7oz and dropped to 7.3 (as most babies do I learned) and he's on his way back up! We're cleared for a week of no apt's @ the ped's until the week after next just eating and sleepin' and pooping and HOPEFULLY more growing!
According to the lactation consultant babies grow @ 1 wk, 6 wks, 3 months & 6 months. And during those times they're more likely to not have as many dirty diapers. I gladly welcome those growth spurts.
Andrea and I have had an okay week. We've had a few frozen meals dropped off. Even better, we've had a few people call and say that they could do meals
soon. So that means less cooking! YAY! Grandma Tanner & Great Grandma Baldridge just left and MAN did they EVER leave a HEAP of food in the fridge and freezers! WOW! I was wonderin' how we were EVER going to pull off doing all the grocery shopping w/ this little guy - well, they took care of that! We're LOADED! And we've got some TASTYSTUFF TOO! THANK YOU MOM & Grandma!
Noah was officially one week old yesterday - a really early milestone, but oh MY is it going fast and he's not even in school yet!!!! I'm holding him @ absolutely every possible time. But BOY does that make it hard to get work
Thank youall for your many prayers! We can't be thankful enough for how healthy he is!