Tuesday, May 02, 2006

AWESOME parents!

So, Mom & Dad Tanner (the real Mom & Dad Tanner, the ones that made me), offered to sell us their van and take my sweet ghetto-sled as a trade (knowing how awesome it is and that no dealer in the world would understand just how incredible sweet of a ride it is). So, the younger Tanners get that beauty of a van up there!

Now before you get all carried away w/ all the names and all the profiling that my driving a mini-van will instigate...you need to know that this is incredibly thoughtful on my parents behalf! You also need to know that this is just not even possible...and that it can't really be happening...I can't possibly be getting a mini-van...that's just not even possible... I can't even be that old...there's just no "flippin'" way!

So, since it's going to happen...I'll just kick it off w/ the name calling and racial...I mean, automotive profiling, so here goes...

The BABY-mobile, or the all-too-obvious, california rasin, the soccer-mom(or dad)-mobile, yuppie wagon, Tanner's tAxi, go ahead, let 'em go...might as well get 'em out of the way

I just can't believe I'm old enough to get a mini-van...this just has so many implications...uh...I can't bear to think of it! =)

Sure is thoughtful of Mom & Dad though! =)


Just Jonna said...

Oh. Flippin. My.

Even the Frakeseseseses don't have a minivan.

However, it is AWESOMELY awesome of your parentals!!!!
Amazing how, even though we are all growed-up and don't need any more parenting, our parents continue to take care of us.

katfrench said...

Hey, the Frencheses have TWO kids and don't have a minivan.

But I did have a moment of heart palpitations when I realized that Sunday I will be the mom of a NINE YEAR OLD.

Sumthin' ain't right about that...

Don't think of it as a minivan. Think of it as a large-party transport shuttle. Somehow, when I put these things in StarWarsese, or StarTrekese, they seem cooler...

Tanner said...

whoa! =) I know - our parents love us more than we can imagine...and we constantly wonder how we'll ever love our babies as much as they love us! WOW!

that whole "your life is not your own" sorta thing...is really kinda becoming more real...and I've got this inkling that I'm only beginning to understand the real meaning of that phrase :)

KoREna, I know, it's so terrible! =) oh man... I'm just thinkin' we'll stick w/ California Rasin =) heheheheheheh =)

oh, man...I think I'm gonna have to go w/ something like that! maybe a something along that shuttle thingy =) yeah... =)