Friday, June 27, 2008

The Helper & The Shed

I found a shed by the road about three weekends ago. So, like any good Americans would, Dad and I pulled the seats out of my mini-van and loaded it up! YES I asked, and the guy said it was free. And yes, I'm pretty sure it was HIS shed...I think... =) Anyway, finally got it all to my house and stuck back in the woods. A week later Grandpa Leland helped put it on a foundation and stand it up and haul some limestone. This past week, after 4 different nights of working in the dark w/ flood lights I FINALLY got the doors on "right." I'm pretty sure one still needs to be re-hung when I get some helping hands around again.

Check out the pix w/ my big helper! ;)

Entrance to the woods where the shed is
The shed
BIG helper - I'm thinking he THREW more rocks than I shoveled or grandpa raked all together!
Big Helper, done helping...inside anyway...
Big Helper looking MUCH older than he is. Probably the first documented "uh Oh, he's REALLY going to be a big boy someday" type of photo.
Yard's Done!

Finally finished up the yard. Seeded and watered pretty regularly now by rain or me. Glad it's rained a lot!

From the road, about the same spot as the last yard shot.

From the back by the entrance to the woods.

My big helper! Looking back @ the entrance to the woods, you can't see any sign of a shed!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I came into the office today to find that Anonymous dropped this off for me! Anonymous writes,

"Thanks for all you do in God's name for Georgetown Christian Church."

I'm excited!! My cordless died about 6 months ago so I went through the whole VBS season and the construction of my shed w/ a bright orange cord attached to anything I drilled with. Granted, I enjoyed the new power of a PLUG IN drill, but I used one of these that a guy had @ VBS builds, and this thing is AWESOME! I can't wait to get home and put the doors on my new (to me) shed! More pictures of Mr. Cute Pants to follow as well.