Sunday, December 31, 2006

Jim Gaffigan - Hot Pockets

Aunt Codie & Uncle Drew showed us this Christmas morning, wow, this guy is hilarious!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Noah, the Little Christmas Elf, tells about finding his and Daddy's presents!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

3tanners Christmas (LIGHTER)

There, that should look better.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Click for our Christmas Pictures
Lighting is all jacked up, we'll fix it later tonight so you can actually SEE the boy ;) Sorry, apparently the screen on the puter @ home is REALLY bright!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006

One week later! From 9 to 58! It's time to ride =)
SHOCK AND GNAW She might not have been human, but her hunger pains were all too real

It's time to finish up Christmas shopping. If you've got any kids in your family, this is a must read for their safety, and yours! The 10 most dangerous play things of all time! So, this totally begs the question, which of these was your favorite as a kid? :) I can say I played with @ least two of them, and I've only read up to #4 =)

Friday, December 08, 2006

So, in case you were wondering, it's stinking cold here! =P Yes, that's NINE up there! =) I'm officially wearing a PARKA & Noah is under like 16 blankets!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006

Noah Wiggles & Laughs!

After getting home one night, Noah decided to wiggle ALL on his own. And oh my did he laugh! What a CUTE little boy!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Horse Cave, KY

We had a great time w/ the Shanklins & Horse Cave & Cave City & around the Mammoth Cave area Fri/Sat. Yes, Russell & I camped and did not die. Although, I believe we began to wonder if the tent could potentially have a fire in the center of it and be okay ;)

Russell & I drove around here for a couple VERY late hours Friday night trying to find an open camp site. We found two that were reportedly (according to the website) open. But, what would you expect on a REALLY cold night? Closed :) That's to help ward of insane people from thinking that they can camp. =) Other places like the friendly local KOA however didn't force common sense upon us. Yay for KOA! :) So, we didn't freeze, we had a blast, and we lived ;)

Today we sorta woke up some, froze some more and decided to join the wives & kids @ the Hamptonn Inn for some FREE hot breakfast. I'm sure we did not look like the other well-rested hotel customers, but it sure felt good to be warm and well fed. ;) Back out to find our picture spot (entrance above) and then to get some $1 swim trunks on clearance from WMT to go HOT TUBBIN' @ the hotel! YAY AGAIN!

Noah joined us in the very warm pool and again enjoyed swimming! 2nd time swimming within a week. wow. Go Noah! He still loves it and splashes around a TON! SO much fun! Eventually, Carrie & Clara & Andrea & Noah went on a cave tour (I know, leave it to them to go spelunking while Russell & I recover from freezing our butts off) :) Ahh well, we had a blast and sure enjoyed the company! =) Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 01, 2006

Noah the Happy Boy in Illinois

11 Weeks old today! WOW!
@ 10 weeks, during this video, Noah likes to have his diaper changed, as evidenced by his MANY smiles & coos while getting his messed cleaned up ;) Noah STILL likes to have his diaper changed. He's in the big boy britches now! SIZE TWO! WOW! Yes, that was a result of national blowout day, as evidenced in the pictures below ;)